Mark Corrigan Apps

FYI: Breast Cancer 0.0.3
Mark Corrigan
FYI: Breast Cancer answers the top 50searchedfor questions about breast cancer on the internet insimple, easyto understand language.You can search for a particular question or keyword, lookatdifferent categories, or simply browse the top-50 questionsandanswers. It can be hard to remember all the questions you wantedtoask when you see your doctor, so you can save any questionsthatyou would like to know more about, or even write your own usingourhandy “Notes” feature.Features:Find it hard to read small text on a screen? Customize thesizeof the font, or use the audio function to listen to theanswersinstead.Video to help show you how to correctly exam your breastsforsigns of breast cancer.A BMI-tracker to show you how maintaining a healthy weightcanreduce your risk.All the most frequently asked questions answered byprofessionalsin the one place!